I usually roast at least 3 at a time. If you are gonna go to all the work to do that chopping, make as well make a lot! They reheat like a dream in the oven.
1. Preheat oven to 400*(see note below)
2. Wash sweet potatoes (I roasted 3 this time)
3. Cut sweet potato into uniform chunks (I leave the skin on mine)
4. Toss in EVOO and good sea salt (add pepper here as well if you like it)
5. Roast for anywhere from 40 minutes to an hour, shaking every 20 minutes. The longer you roast them, the more crispy they become.
1. I have been roasting mine at 400 because I am usually roasting something else simultaneously. However, if I am just doing sweet potato, I prefer 425 degrees for about 45 minutes. I love them to be extra crispy! Frankly, the ones pictured aren’t cooked as long as I would prefer but the tiny mouths were hungry and mutiny was underway
2. I tend to add salt every time I check and shake them because salt. is. heaven!
TO REHEAT: My favorite method is to stick the glass tupperware I stored them in into the oven. I then set the oven to 350. As the oven heats, so does the food. By the time it’s preheated, the sweet potato are warm and ready!
Sweet Potato: I did 3
Sea Salt
Mom to four wonderful little people. While they sleep, I cook.