I am going to show you an easy way to cook corn on the cob in the microwave. Let me start by saying I know you can boil or grill corn. I sometimes do that too, but this is a method my mom showed me and is a life saver in a hectic season of life and frankly tastes just as good. I am in a phase of life where the path of least resistance is working for me. I am buying pre-shucked corn. There is hero corn-shucking status in the kitchen and then there is me. We are at buy-the-pre-shucked-corn status.
I used to debate showing the microwave type stuff because of the criticism and advice I receive in my DM’s. But I am choosing to do it on purpose. I would much rather show you a normal mom, putting dinner on the table, instead of the elaborate beautiful way to do everything because sometimes this is reality and what most of you are also doing. I want you to see my microwave. I want you to see my boxed mac and cheese. I’m not going to feel any guilt and shame there. However you get dinner on the table, I hope you find some joy and ease. It’s a demanding task and no one (no one!) is doing it perfectly. There’s a lot of freedom here.
OK, now off the soapbox and on to the recipe!
Mom to four wonderful little people. While they sleep, I cook.