The Thermostat {Part 2}

  1. Laura says:

    This post just made me feel normal. This is a perfect anology, thermostat! These are great, now to find mine! Thanks for the reminder!

  2. Katie says:

    MORE OF THESE AS YOU THINK OF THEM! My therapist actually gave me the thermometer/thermostat analogy and when you mentioned it the other day I was like “YEAH REAL LIFE” and was encouraged to know someone else feels what I feel and has been directed (though you care to it yourself) to try to reposition her approach and that sometimes it’s hard anyway. Very encouraging. We appreciate you.

  3. Tara says:

    I wholeheartedly agree with both of these tips for keeping myself calm and present around my kiddos! I have also found that keeping a bottle of water or glass of iced coffee nearby makes a big difference. I’m a much nicer mom when hydrated! Thanks for the wonderful advice, as always!

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