The Thermostat

  1. Traci says:


  2. Audra says:

    I can relate to this 100% and it comes at a perfect time for me. Thank you so much for sharing your heart. I’ve always known I was sensitive to the temperature around me, affected easily by the kids or if my husband had a stressful day at work. And sometimes I long for a cheerful friend or my mom to stop by and help me calibrate my OWN temperature. But you’re right- being a thermostat for my family is my calling- and its something God can help me with. I’m the mom now!

  3. Brittney says:

    Thank you for this, Kate. It’s something to reflect on going into the weekend! We have a very independent, strong, emotional and passionate (almost) 3 year old, and she needs me to be her thermometer!!

  4. Brenda Davis says:

    There’s no greater job on this earth than “Mom” and yet the pressure to succeed in it is often crushing . Just Google Supermom and a dozen sites pop up even the Urban Dictionary has a definition! Your words are encouraging with the strong reminder to take time to rest- sleep is good what we need too when kids are napping- and keep away from what drains my confidence. We really are like the Marines! Once a Mom always a Mom. And we truly are our kids’ front line defense. The Lord has a fierce love for us and our kids and His strength for Moms is truly boundless. Time with the Lord in reading and prayer is like the best of food and refreshing drink. I love how you are encouraging other moms!

    Mom of 9

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