Meal Plan #ballinonabudget: PICK A THEME

  1. Allison says:

    Hey Kate!

    I wanted to leave you a note – actually I was going to email you but I could’t find your email on here, so my apologies that this comment isn’t directly about the entry it’s attached to. 🙂 Does that even make sense?@. ANYWAY, I am new to the Naptime Kitchen community, man I would’ve loved having you as a resource when my boys were tiny! They are 12 and 13 now. Anyway, I just watched your stories on insta and you mentioned that you just really don’t want NTK to be a place for comparison and for mom’s to compare themselves to you or anyone else. I totally get it. I know you are struggling with that, but I think to a certain extent it’s unavoidable. BUT! I think what is more the case is you are such an inspiration! I have gotten so many good tips and tricks and HACKS from your instagram feed and your website that it’s AWESOME!!!! I just wanted to say thank you. Thank you for sharing your life, and your tips! Your stories are the highlight of my day personally 🙂

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