Instant Pot recipe list – submitted by YOU!

  1. Mary Mjølhus says:

    How do I get your blog post. I want to be able to save this post for all of the recipes. Thank you. Mary

  2. Amy says:

    THIS IS WONDERFUL. I am an Instant Pot newbie and I plan to learn right along with you. Thanks for sharing this comprehensive post of recommended IP recipes via your website for easy reference. I try to screenshot EVERYTHING you share on Instagram but this is pure gold. Can personally vouch for the LLP balsamic chicken, by the way! Anyways, this page is now bookmarked and I hope to make it into a bucket list of sorts. Thanks for wonderful content. PS: Worlds collided when you shared on the Work + Play Podcast… the BEST! I am now listening to it for a third time — I just love you + Nancy Ray.

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