Decorating for Christmas with Little People {Pt 2}: Making merry without feeling like you live in a museum

  1. Sarah says:

    For a Jesus book I recommend “the Christmas promise” from the tales that tell the truth series . All their books are great – available on amazon

  2. Amy says:

    Highly recommend the book My Merry Christmas by Sally Lloyd Jones, author of the Jesus Storybook Bible. It’s good for even the littlest ones.

  3. Kristin D. says:

    We just read Mr. Willowby’s Christmas Tree for the first time and loved it! We also love “Goodnight Manger”, “Who’s coming to our house”, “Room for a Little One”, “Humphrey’s First Christmas” and “Song of the Stars”. We have WAY too many Christmas books, but I just can’t help myself. I already have a list of new ones to find (hopefully used) like Red and Lulu and Pick a Pine Tree.

  4. Erika says:

    I love ” Tonight you are my baby.”

  5. Holly says:

    Thanks so much for this post! I appreciate the thoughtfulness you put into all your posts. 🙂
    Here are a few children’s Christmas/Advent books I recommend:
    – The Crippled Lamb – Max Lucado
    – The Littlest Watchman: Watching and Waiting for the Very First Christmas – Scott James
    – The Legend of the Candy Cane – Lori Walburg
    – The Christmas Miracle of Jonathan Toomey – Susan Wojciechowski

    Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas!

  6. Elizabeth says:

    There are so many wonderful Christmas picture books, it’s hard to choose just one…but The Christmas Miracle of Jonathan Toomey is so tender and touching…I cried the first time I read it (alone!–not even with my kids!)

    Sarah Mackenzie of Read Aloud Revival has a wonderful (long!) list of favorite December picture books:

    I hope that you and your crew have a lovely Christmas!

    • Kate says:

      Oh thank you so much for these recs! And I have been meaning to check out read aloud revival to get JR a chapter book. Thank you so much!

  7. Laura Sassi says:

    I just love this post, Kate! I am the author of GOODNIGHT, MANGER and I found your post because I googled “Goodnight, Manger” and I see someone included the title in one of their comments. I just wanted to say that I especially love how you have a nativity out for your kids to play with and that it looks like they LOVE playing with it. When my kids were little, I did the same thing and my daughter’s sweet interaction with the Baby Jesus (he was crying and I’d never thought of Baby Jesus as crying) is what inspired me to write my picture book. Merry Christmas! Blessings, Laura

    • Kate says:

      Laura, thank you so much!! yes, the nativity has been well. maybe a little too loved. Gabriel is missing a wing! haha. i will have to check that book out! Merry Christmas to you 🙂

  8. Laura says:

    What a great post, especially the buy one nice decoration a year idea! We LOVE Itsy Bitsy Christmas. It’s our favorite reason for the season book.

  9. Frances Howell says:

    Great post! I loved the part about storing year-round decor in the corresponding Christmas bins for the season! And the kids’ nativity set! We love the She Reads Truth children’s book This is the Christmas Story!

  10. Love these ideas! Whenever we decorate our home for the holidays I sometimes feel like we go a little over the top. But these are awesome ideas that we will apply for our home with energetic little kiddos : ) Just had our home professionally cleaned before we brought out all of the decorations which made a huge difference in the look as well. Thanks for the post!

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