Two M Pasta Treat

  1. Lacye says:

    In step 7 where it says cream cheese should that be cottage cheese or should cream cheese be in the ingredients list? This looks wonderful, cant wait to try it!

    • Kate says:

      oh goodness thank you so much! a typo. no cream cheese. thank you for letting me know!

      • Jess says:

        Was literally coming to comment on making this for dinner and had the same question about cottage cheese or cream cheese… thankfully I’d bought the right one’!! Just pulled it out of the oven!!

  2. Shannon Reynolds says:

    What are your thoughts on subbing Greek yogurt for sour cream in this recipe?

    • Kate says:

      I have never tried it. I think you could I would just maybe strain the greek yogurt to make sure it isn’t too watery, but I think that is the worst that could happen. Is this for caloric purposes? Please let me know if you try it!!

      • Shannon Reynolds says:

        No! We just typically have Greek yogurt and never have sour cream. I’m going to try it this week and I’ll let you know!

      • Shannon says:

        Made this tonight with the Greek yogurt! Turned out great! I didn’t even need to strain it.

  3. Ann Pope says:

    What kind of grated cheese do you use on top? This looks delicious!

  4. Carrie says:

    I have a bunch of spaghetti meat sauce frozen. Could I sub that in place of the tomato sauce and meat?

    • Kate says:

      Oh I bet absolutely! Taste might be a bit different depending how you make your sauce but totally could.

  5. Molly Davidson says:

    What about a vodka sauce sub for tomato sauce? My family is big fans of Rao’s vodka and I always have that on hand. This sounds delicious!!

  6. Rebecca says:

    Serving size of this dish— approximate?

  7. Jaclyn says:

    Kate, could you make this ahead (without freezing)? How many days ahead (left in fridge) would be okay?

  8. Sarah says:

    This was tasty, easy, and enjoyed by all members of my family. I will definitely make it again, and next time double for the freezer. We are enjoying many of your recipes!

  9. Abby aosbaorn says:

    Is it really 2 – 8 oz. Cans of sauce? –

    And 1/4 teaspoon & 3/4 teaspoon, not tablespoon?

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