Basic Egg Salad

  1. Kelly says:

    Making this as we speak I’m growing sick of hard boiled eggs for a snack I’ll use up the rest of mine in this! Thanks for sharing!

    I just love how your posts sound exactly how you speak! “Lasts in the fridge a good four days” is how you’d say it on your IG stories 🙂

  2. I love this recipe! Fairly easy & sounds totally delicious. Love all of your content. Thanks for being a cheery soul in the midst of a dreary world right now. 🙂

  3. Erin says:

    Thank you so much for sharing- I remember looking for this recipe a few months ago after seeing it on your instagram stories and was sad that I couldn’t find it. I’ve been trying to find the perfect egg salad recipe in the past and never could, but this one is amazing. Thanks again for taking the time to put in all the substitutions and tips!

  4. Alicia Hoffer says:

    Yum! Just made this and am already sneaking bites. It’s so good. I went with the optional dill and celery. Big fan. Thanks for all you do Kate!

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