A case for gym childcare {part 2}: why it matters for the child

  1. Marianne says:

    I just signed up for the gym last week prior to your post and had mixed feelings about it- guilt that this would take precious time out of our day, dragging the kids to the gym with me. Your posts 1 and 2, came at the right time and affirmed my decision was a good one! I am already feeling the benefits of going, feeling stronger and taking time for some self care. Bonus is the kids love it too! Thank you for the posts!

  2. Melinda B. says:

    Yes!! I agree with all off these, and will add to it. For older toddlers and preschoolers, going to the gym gives you the opportunity to start talking about self care, nutrition, etc.

    Thanks so much for this article. You do a great job of encouraging mommas who are in the lovely trenches.

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