As some of you know, Scout started taking piano this year. I have personally always wanted to play and I thought it could be a special “just for her” activity (as the third of four kids, I have a lot of sympathy for the middle child). Plus, her teacher is a friend who also happens to be the most incredible and fun music teacher I have ever witnessed.
What I didn’t expect in all of this is how much this would bring into question when to push a child, and when to allow them to decide. There have been multiple lessons where Scout didn’t want to go and I had to basically bribe her out the door. And other lessons where she comes home beaming and telling Nate all about what she has learned.
I really have no strong wisdom here, other than to say it has been a whole new era of parenting where I see my deep need for prayer and wisdom. Toddlers are difficult, but I feel a lot of the discipline comes down to you knowing what is right and helping them learn those things. “No Tommy, you can’t put your legos in the toilet.”
But this….this is a new territory for me. And to be honest it’s really testing my patience and humbling me. It’s teaching me the importance of relationship with Scout. Of taking the time to listen and talk together. It’s also a large lesson in clinging to grace, knowing I won’t do this perfectly. I’ll push too hard some days and feel too lax on others. Sheesh…Lord help me when she’s a teenager. I can’t even go there yet ????
But here we are: one month in, and she has told me she wants to keep going. Taking it one month at a time, with open hands and a tender posture towards my girl ????
Mom to four wonderful little people. While they sleep, I cook.