Well, friends. I’m having one of my harder weeks of COVID parenting. Perhaps the hardest. And while my circumstances are actually completely fine, I think I owe it to you all to not pretend I am a constant kitchen dancing Pollyanna.
The kids actually aren’t being any more difficult than normal. Nothing has changed all that much. And therein lies my actual struggle: nothing has changed all that much. For 21 weeks we have been doing basically the same thing. I can actually feel my mind numbing.
I wish I could tell you I now have an awesome attitude about the whole thing, but I feel like I’m trudging through mud. In the thick of it. The trenches. Clawing my way towards gratitude and trying my darnedest not to blame these precious little souls for all the circumstances they had nothing to do with creating.
If you feel very much in the trenches this week, please know, I feel that way too. I’m begging God to give me some renewed perspective and to help me take it bird by bird. I am closing with two quotes that friends have shared with me that have been a balm to my soul:
“This week I’m practicing the spiritual discipline of remembering what I know.” –@emilypfreeman (may this discipline sharpen my numb mind)
“God is still at work. Even in the silence. Even in the unknown…He loves us too much to limit our redemption to only what we can think up.” –@lysaterkeurst (may I believe God is actively working in the small details of my mothering and redeeming my life in ways I do not understand)
Mom to four wonderful little people. While they sleep, I cook.