When I think of this Christmas season, I cannot help but think about all the people seeking to celebrate under the weight of a mountain of unmet expectations. Family you thought you would see…gifts you thought would arrive on time. A job you thought you would have or travels you would have taken. So many things have happened no one could have expected.
I keep looking at this photo of Mary that hangs in our home and cannot help but wonder how unmet her own expectations must have felt. Surely the savior of the world would be born somewhere more grandiose than a stable. Surely innkeepers would sense the importance and welcome Mary with open arms.
But Mary, surrounded by muck and cow dung, looks to the only thing that matters: Jesus. Emmanuel, God with us. Our Rescuer.
Sweet friends, I have no idea what the next few days hold for you nor would I ever wish to make light of your pain. It is my genuine prayer this Christmas that Christ would feel nearer than ever. That He would be the friend who sticks closer than a brother, the peace that surpasses understanding, a balm for broken hearts and dreams.
Merry Christmas to you and yours; may the love of Christ exceed your expectations today, tomorrow, and always
Mom to four wonderful little people. While they sleep, I cook.