I’m sitting here, on the beach, on vacation. So many of the people I love and hold dearest are right in front of me playing in those waves. We are free. We are safe. We are together.
It feels strange to be on a summer vacation, as so much of the world suffers so deeply. One last rest before gearing up for school, as people in Afghanistan cling to the landing gear on airplanes. Social plans for the fall feel shaky, when the ground in Haiti shook and killed thousands. It’s humid as all get out in the south, as half the country is begging for a drop of rain.
If I am honest, I don’t really know how to process it all, and I can have an even harder time figuring out how to show up in this space. How to cultivate a place of joy amidst sorrow…to set a tone of fun without being tone deaf.
But I hope I hold this Holy Tension.
Tension that knows the small things don’t matter all that much,
and at the same time,
Tension that knows the small things are what matter most.
Tension in being grateful for a few days at the beach,
And at the same time,
Tension that is equally devastated for a hurting world.
Mom to four wonderful little people. While they sleep, I cook.