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While not everyone here shares the same beliefs (something I love and welcome in this space), I gotta say love it when two holidays that feel in juxtaposition land on the same day. Valentine’s with its festive pink and indulgence and candy. And Ash Wednesday, with its subdued grey and fasting and repentance. During Lent, […]

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This weekend I went and bought heavier weights for my morning workouts. Let me tell you what, it is incredible how much harder the exact same workouts are when the weight you carry is heavier. Sets that felt easy before I can now barely make it through. The workout didn’t change, but the load did. […]

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Every year we have a “Naptime Kitchen Christmas Party” and since Jess and Ella don’t live here it’s basically Nate and I going out to dinner at a fancy restaurant. We look back on the last year and we dream for the year ahead. This year we had the reservation booked a good month in […]

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Something decorating for Christmas is teaching me about my home: tiny corners can bring a lot of joy. I have a few areas decorated for Christmas and those few areas make me so happy when I pass them. And the more I think on it: that can be true for my whole home, and not […]

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We had two sets of friends come to town last weekend, one staying with us and the other at an Airbnb close by. The temperature dropped drastically Friday night and by Saturday it was cold and raining. Our house became the hangout spot for the weekend. At one point, every single surface had stuff on […]

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I turn 35 today, and this is the biggest thing I’ve been muddling over: For most of my late twenties and early thirties I was bringing our four children into the world. While they (and Nate) are still my number one priority and use of time, the role is changing. I am not pregnant or […]

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Mom to four wonderful little people. While they sleep, I cook.

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