I don’t know who needs to hear this, but we all burn the bacon sometimes. Be it real bacon or some metaphorical bacon in your lives, there’s likely some meal you have made lately that has been a dud.
We make approximately 21 meals a week. That’s well over 1000 meals a year. There are bound to be some bad ones. And some boring ones. And many that come in a takeout bag.
The cooking and making of meals can be one of the most enjoyable things we do, and just as quickly feel like a demanding and monotonous prison.
My hope this week is that you look at this burned photo of bacon and be encouraged. Cooking is hard. It takes mental planning and physical effort. It can so often be overlooked by those you love and feel thankless. Just remember, you are meeting one of the most basic human needs for yourself and your family. You are doing a good and faithful work ❤️
Mom to four wonderful little people. While they sleep, I cook.