Skincare Products We Use and Love

  1. Ashley says:

    Love this post! I have also tried ALL the natural deodorants. Currently using Lume and I really like it! No side effects . Been really happy with it!

  2. Kelsey says:

    Loved all your suggestions. As another person with sensitive skin I definitely wrote several of your products down. One thing I’ve done recently is switch to reusable cotton rounds to use with my toner. They seem to clean my face better and are super easy to throw in a lingerie bag in the wash. I’ve gotten mine from Marley’s monsters on Etsy but I’m sure there are a ton of great brands. I love reading your posts!!

  3. Liz Even says:

    Hey!!! Love all your suggestions! I am the same way with products. But I am wondering if Beauty Counter has a moisturizer with spf and preferably not tinted.

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