Today was one of those sweet moments you just want to bottle up forever and also was a really good moment for me in our house.
Nate had something big close at work this afternoon. I also realized the kids and I don’t talk much about what he does at work. He leaves. He comes home. What does an attorney do anyways!?
I knew he had this big deal closing so i decided to celebrate it and get the kids involved. I got bubbly and tolberone and the kids made a sign and we anxiously awaited his return from work. The kids were SO EXCITED!
And I realized as we sat there waiting for him how special our home is. Yes, we are still planning to renovate in January and most days I feel like we are all on top of one another. There’s boxes by the front door and a car seat that has no other place to be stored. The kitchen table is covered in markers, and there’s paper scraps on the floor. Oh, and also over 100 bats ???????? And we will eat dinner in the midst of it all.
But as I watched them at the window with our sign taped to the ceiling, all the kids cozy in pajamas and dinner waiting in the kitchen, I realized how lucky we are. It’s pouring rain outside, and Nate has such a place of love to come home to. We have such a place of love here.
Joy and celebration and birthdays and bringing home babies all happen in these imperfect walls. And I feel immensely grateful for them today ????❤️
Mom to four wonderful little people. While they sleep, I cook.