To be honest, it feels strange to do a post on all the abundance I have personally felt in a year that has negatively impacted so many. On health and happiness when there are so many scared and isolated.
With each passing year (2020 more than ever), I am realizing the extreme amount of variables each life holds. All the decisions that build to outcomes and the large amount of opportunities for something to go awry. The fragility of it all. And yet, so much beauty. So much abundant goodness.
Today, looking back over what has been, and forward to what lies ahead, I can only be grateful. And NTK continues to be a bright spot that adds so much to that gratitude. Thank you for being here. Thank you all so much for all the ways you continue to cheer on my small corner of the internet. Thank you for allowing precious moments of your day to be filled with my squares. It’s a privilege for me❤️
Here’s to the year ahead ????????????
Mom to four wonderful little people. While they sleep, I cook.