It’s that time of year again…the newness of the school year has worn off and it’s #Thursday:
I had a wise friend tell me that one day my kids would come home from school and begin to melt down for no reason at all. The mere suggestion they take their lunchbox out of the book bag would send them into a tailspin. The world would (in their minds) be on fire and I would be looking around trying to smell the smallest hint of smoke.
The world would not be on fire.
It’s just Thursday.
Her words could not have been more true. By Thursday, my kids are exhausted. They have been in school for four days and are still facing down one more, seemingly insurmountable, school day.
For this reason, here is how I now look at Thursdays:I actively look out for any grenade that could set off the ticking time bomb that is my child.
I keep asks of them low and patience at an all time high. If they forget to put their clothes in the hamper, tonight is not the night to point that out.
Dinner is something I know they like (hot dogs, mac and cheese, cheese quesadillas. Basically dairy and carbs in some form).
Dinner, straight to baths, and then bed. FULL BODIES, TIRED MINDS, CAN’T LOSE.
It might not be Thursday in your house, but you might see that look in your child’s eyes when they ship is sinking and they are about to go down with it. In these times, feed them, love them, and try and get them to bed as quickly as you can.
IMPORTANT NOTE: This happens to adults too. Teachers especially. They have been with your kids all week AND they have to do it again tomorrow. Bless them.
Mom to four wonderful little people. While they sleep, I cook.